Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our new website

We are very pleased to let you know that our new website at http://www.arrowkenya.org/ is proving to be very popular. We have had nearly 500 "hits" since it was launched at the end of October.
If you click on the link below you can see where in the world the "hits" come from: http://arrowkenya.org/vmap.php
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions via the "Contact Us" section on the site menu.

Arrow Kenya is asked to give a presentation at a British Council workshop

Last week we were asked to give a presentation at a British Council workshop in Nairobi. The workshop was to inform health service providers from across Kenya of the UK International Health Links Funding Scheme.

As you know we are currently working with NHS Grampian in the UK, writing an application for funding, which if successful will provide training and development opportunities for our staff and some colleagues from Embakasi next year.

Answering questions about our plans for a link with NHS Grampian

Making sure the equipment works before we start

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